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pronounced [dɪps at B.G.U.]
The Center for the Study of Digital Politics and Strategy (DPS@BGU) is an interdisciplinary research center that focuses on the weaponization of social media by nation-states, and other emerging threats to social and political institutions and entities in an interconnected world. We study and address an array of social online phenomena, ranging from election interference to the proliferation of hate-speech, science denial and the polarization of the online discourse.

Our Mission
We develop and apply state-of-the-art computational tools, informed-by political and social theory in order to better understand emerging threats.
We evaluate, further refine, or update existing theoretical concepts (e.g., the framework of soft vs. hard vs. sharp power) in light of the fast-paced technological changes that affect our online experience.
We aim at providing decision makers, the public, and the research community with computational tools and data-oriented analysis. Our research outputs will be published in both academic venues and in a more accessible format in order to share our findings with the public and facilitate a discussion that exceeds the academic realm.
Artificial intelligence
and Computational Social Science
Foreign Policy, Politics,
and Social Theory
Publications and Outreach
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